Thursday, September 9, 2010

Facts About Prostatitis

1. Prostatitis may have different causes and not just only one cause.

2. Diagnostics includes detecting the form and stage of the disease. Symptoms in different patients may be common, however, the diagnosis can make only specialist. Do not try to make diagnosis by yourself because you have all chances to be wrong.

3. The clinical course of prostatitis is unstable, sometimes it may aggravate and often it may become complicated. The clinical course even may be resulted in hidden form. Therefore, medical supervision should be permanent.

4. Prostatitis treatment is complex and the most difficult thing is to chose best combination of treatment methods. Do not try to do it by yourself, you should do it along with your doctor. Do not change your doctor after you started your treatment.

5. Getting rid of infection in prostate cannot be considered recovery. The main thing is to get rid of capillary congestion.

6. Complexity and variety of pathological structure of prostate eliminate the probability of invention of a medicine against prostatitis.

7. If was achieved a long remission, do not stop doctor's examinations, because in case of complications you may not notice them by yourself.

8. Some patients think that performing advices of different doctors will help to recover more quickly, but in fact they are wrong, because different recommendations of different doctorss may thwart one another. Chose one doctor and follow just his recommendations.

9. Do not wait quick recovery.  Prostatitis is a serious disease requiring long time for the treatment.

10. Well-ordered sex life is an important background for healing: no extra sex, no long sexual continence.

11. Taking alcohol during prostatitis, even in small quantities, leads to inflammatory process aggravation.

12. Hypothermia, even short one, may lead to aggravation (for example, swimming in the river).

13. Physical activity and sports are good for prostate. Sitting mode of live slows the recovery.

14. Consuming spicy food causes aggravation.

15. Chronic constipations complicate blood circulation in prostate gland, aggravate course of prostatitis and the recovery. To get rid of constipations you should keep to moving mode of living and consume plenty of vegetative fiber.

16. You should know that in prostate appear viruses, which come from urethra where they stay permanently. However, when you change sex partner occurs mutual microbes exchange which leads to deterioration of microflora. This is bad for your prostatitis recovery.

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