Thursday, September 9, 2010

Major Facts About Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is a widespread and dangerous disease. However, in recent years the prognosis for patients with such diagnosis has been improved greatly. 58% of prostate cancer cases are diagnosed at early stages when tumor is still localized. The factor of 5-year survival is 99%.

What Is Prostate And How Does It Function?

Prostate is located below urinary bladder and in front of rectum. Normally, it must have size of a nut. Via prostate gland goes urethra.

Prostate gland produces secretion and when mixing with sperm it forms spermatic fluid and provides free movement of spermatozoids. Removal of prostate gland doesn't come out without consequences, but however it is not a vital organ. A man can live without having prostate gland.

Are All Prostate Tumors Cancerous?

Increase of prostate gland is found in many men especially in older age. Sometimes those growths are innocent and in prostate no cancerous growths are detected. In such cases the diagnosis is benign prostatic hyperplasia. In other cases growths occur by means of cancerous cells. This condition is called cancerous growth or prostate cancer.

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