Thursday, September 9, 2010

Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) Test

Normally blood contains small amount of prostate-specific antigen (PSA). PSA is a specific protein produced by prostate gland in men. PSA increases in blood in case of prostate enlargement, prostate inflammation or other diseases. Also it increases in case of prostate cancer. Blood test detects the level of PSA. As other tests, here is possible false-positive and false-negative results. Sometimes in men diseased with prostate cancer this test shows negative result, but in men with high PSA level the horrible diagnosis is not confirmed.

For men older than 50 years is recommended to undergo digital rectal examination and PSA test. Men with bad inheritance should make examination at 45 years. As for this, there is an other opinion. Some specialists say there is not necessarily to examine every single man. You should discuss with your doctor the necessity of examination only in case when you are 50 years older or there was prostate cancer cases in your family. Because the advisability of test is quarreled, you should discuss with your doctor all its risks and advantages.

PSA test can be used to follow progress of a disease or to define the effectiveness of chosen treatment.

PSA test preparation

There is no necessary to make a special preparation for the test. To avoid false results it is better to perform PSA test exactly before digital rectal examination or in two days or more after it.

Test performance

To examine PSA they draw a blood sample from vein. When needle insertion you can feel pain but it feels not for a long time. A little dose of blood is taken in tube and it is sent into laboratories.

Duration of procedure

PSA blood sampling takes 3-5 minutes.

Bad result: what to do?

If PSA in blood is high, and when rectal examination anything suspicious was not detected, doctor can ask you to make test again.

PSA level higher than 4ng/ml means 20-25% probability of prostate cancer. If PSA level is higher than 10ng/ml then the probability of prostate cancer is 50%. The more higher PSA level is in blood the more higher is threat of oncological diseases.

However, the result of PSA test can be the evidence to establish diagnosis of cancer. PSA level can increase when innocent prostate hyperplasia. Besides that, it can increase because of infections, prostate inflammations, and also after biopsy and operations on prostate. If PSA level is above normal, it is necessary to undergo Transrectal Ultrasonography. To detect cancer it is necessary to make biopsy.

PSA test risks

PSA test itself is not connected with risk. False-positive result of this analysis makes patient undergo other examinations, and false-negative result complicates cancer diagnosis.

In majority of men over 40 years PSA level in their blood is below 4ng/ml. Men on the right side of 40 should have PSA level no more than 2.7 ng/ml.

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