Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Truth About Adenoma

If you are a male over 40 years and you get up each night to urinate, this may be a sign that you have problems with prostate. The thing is that at this age male prostate gland may be affected by adenoma.

Prostate gland adenoma is benign prostate enlargement when are grown tissues of this organ. Its formation and development is connected with hormonal changes in male body which occur almost in all males over 40 – 45 years. This condition is called andropause or male climax. At this age testosterone level lowers.

When should you go to the doctor?
First sign of adenoma is problem with urination. Anatomically, prostate as though grasps urethra and with enlargement it constricts urethra and puts pressure on bladder. As a result, urine stream loses its pressure, interrupts and occurs more frequently as usually (normally male urinates 5 – 8 times a day, when adenoma – 9 times and more). After urinating once, in few minutes male feels new desire to urinate.  Specific characteristics is that do appear desires to urinate at night. The sensation of urinary bladder emptying in adenome is rare thing and male usually feels that something is left in bladder.

Unfortunately, many males having adenoma symptoms think that it is connected with aging and do not go to the doctor which results in most drastic consequences. When urine outflow is permanently difficult, urinary tract becomes perfect place for infection development and do appear such diseases as cystitis, pyelonephritis, calculus in bladder.

Eventually, develops chronic kidney disease showing itself with permanent headaches, thirst, mouth dryness, weakness, spleen. Most horrible complication of adenoma is acute urinary retention and development of  kidney disease which threatens patient's life. In order to fight the disease successfully male must address to the doctor in time!

At early stages prostate may be enlarged but patient may experience no symptoms. Males over 40 years must undergo examinations which helps to detect adenoma at its early stage and prevent development of prostate cancer. Specialist you need is urologist. In order to determine adenoma stage it is necessary to make some examinations.

Males often ask if it is possible to avoid prostate digital investigation via rectum of which they are ashamed. However, it is impossible to do without it because it is most important adenoma examination and it cannot be replaced with something else. Additionally must be performed ultrasound investigation of pelvic organs. Those examinations help to find right treatment.

Risk Groups
In some males adenoma develops at early age. Males who lead a sedentary lifestyle and are engaged in intellectual pursuits are at risk.

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