Thursday, April 19, 2012

Prostate Cancer Risk Factors You Can Control

To risk group for prostate cancer belong men who occupy with particular physical labor: rural workers, industrial workers, mechanicians. In men of other professions prostate cancer occurs rarely. Researchers say that that the environment is responsible for prostate cancer development and not food and lifestyle.


Excess of fatty foods, especially saturated ones, may increase risks for prostate diseases. Studies show that in men who consume too many fats prostate cancer occurs two times more often. Too caloric food also increases risks for prostate cancer.

Scientists claim that a man may reduce risks for prostate cancer by 50% when he reduces consumption of fats by 30%. Substances found in soy products, fruits and vegetables may reduce risks for prostate diseases in men.

Sexual activity

Man who had sexually transmitted diseases has higher risks to get prostate cancer. A man who suffered once in his life from a sexually transmitted disease get diseased with prostate cancer two times more frequently than those who do not.

The more sexual partners a man has till 64 years old, the higher is risk for prostate cancer development in him. Statistics shows that when a male has two or more female sex partners during his life, he has higher risks for prostate cancer than those who has one partner. If a male had more than 30 partners during his life he may have a severe form of prostate disease in his older age.

There exists a connection between sexual activity and prostate cancer incidence – in sexually passive men the rate of incidence is three times highrer. Evidently, frequent ejaculation (5 times a week) prevents from gathering of cancerogenes into prostate gland. However, here the talk is about masturbation and sex with permanent partner. Remember that frequent change of partners increases risks for sexually transmitted diseases.

Smoking increases risks for prostate cancer among young men. Among men under 55 who got their prostate gland removed were three times more smokers than among younger men with prostate cancer.

Big amounts of dehydroepiandrosterone may lead to prostate gland increase and malignant change of tumor.  Dehydroepiandrosterone supplements take to slowdown aging, boost immune system.

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