Friday, May 25, 2012

Prostate Health Diet

Reduce consumption of fats
Best way to reduce fats and calories in your life is to consume more vegetarian products. Fruits, vegetables and products from whole grain contain many nutritional ingredients necessary for the body such as vitamins, minerals, enzymes, aminoacids and vegetable fibers.  Whole grains contain more fibers and nutrients including magnesium than those processed.

Vegetarian products would greatly improve quality of your meals but the amounts of food you usually consume should be the same. You should never add fatted sauces to vegetable dishes and fruit deserts. Usage of refined fats (dairy butter) during food preparation should be minimal.

Unsaturated fats (polyunsaturated fatty acids) should necessarily be in sufficient quantities.  Polyunsaturated fatty acids are a raw material for production of prostaglandins which prevent prostate gland from inflammations. Best sources for polyunsaturated fatty acids are fat sea-fish, olive and linseed oils. Other vegetable oils besides healthy fats Omega-3 and Omega-9 contain also fatty acids Omega-6, excess of which provokes inflammations.

You should include carbohydrates in your meals: bread, porridge, flocks, rise and pasta. They also contain complex of nutrient substances and very small amount of fats. Here is important how you consume them, for example, pasta is good with tomato sauces, ketchups and vegetable sauces and not with sour cream or cheese.

It is better to consume ordinary yeasty bread and without usage of baking powders.

Protein products may be of vegetable or animal origins. Products rich in proteins are legumes, beans and pea.
Diary products also contain healthy nutrients, therefore men who are at risk for prostate cancer should not refuse from them. It is preferable to include in diet such healthy products as non-fat milk and yogurt along with fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes.

It is necessary to exclude from diet products causing kidneys inflammation (spicy and salt dishes, alcohol, coffee, chocolate). This requirement is necessary to prevent adenoma of prostate gland.

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