Monday, July 30, 2012

Men With Healthy Cholesterol Levels Have Lower Risk of Prostate Cancer

Scientific research over and over again proves that modern doctor's recommendations about healthy lifestyle are not an empty word. Everyone knows that high cholesterol level in blood increases risks for cardio-vascular diseases. It turned out that it is dangerous also for prostate gland.

Workers of Johns Hopkins University made a research in which participated 5586 males over 55 years old. The study started in 1993 – 1996 and since then prostate cancer was found in 1251 people. In people whose cholesterol level exceeded the norm, risks for aggressive type of prostate cancer was 60% higher.

It should be mentioned that normal cholesterol level influences the appearing of prostate cancer but reduces the occurrence of most dangerous cancer forms.
Certainly, other factors could influence those results, many of which are connected with increased cholesterol. These factors are weight, bad habits such as smoking, genetic predisposition to prostate cancer, nutritional habits.

However, possible relation “cholesterol – prostate cancer” should be taken into consideration. Normal cholesterol level is better than its increased levels. Remember that lower cholesterol levels are healthy for people.

Those results were obtained as far back as in 2006 and scientists observed that taking medications lowering cholesterol level reduces risks for development of dangerous forms of prostate cancer.

The magazine “Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention” published results of other study performed in American national cancer institute which showed that low cholesterol in men reduces by 15% reduces frequency of all cancer cases.

It is not improbable that lowering of cholesterol levels with the help of modern medications helps to prevent and treat cancer but here are necessary some additional studies. Benefit of low-calorie diet consisting of vegetables, fruits and cereals is known to humanity for centuries and it still works greatly for modern men.

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