Thursday, May 16, 2013

Get The Spice of Life Back

Pointers that every man should know to sustain a healthy lifestyle.

The male ego is one beast that has been almost impossible to understand. With all the modern technology of today trying to get men to get annual check ups is a chore. The idea of another person intruding upon your man hood is not a welcomed event. How can you look yourself in the mirror tomorrow after being violated? Well do not look at it as you have been violated. See a check up the way survivors do. Life saving! As we get older many taboos about the male anatomy have clouded our judgement on regular routine checkups. The sad thing is, cancer has not stopped to make sure we have our egos in check. Cancer has continued to progress and when left untreated it can really cause more than the inconvenience of an exam.

Loss of life should be more than a macho image held on to since the glory days of pee we league up to high school or college football. The more we put off our check ups the closer we get to the last time we will be able to sit back and reminisce about the glory days. As young men we were proud of our strength and virility but as we get older we forget that the fountain of youth requires an examination that can save our lives. We as men want to remain strong until our last days. So many of us are not seeing those last days because while we here we are neglecting our bodies.

There are so many reasons why we need our exams. Disease should not be the only reason for getting a check up. Think of that declining sex drive! We perform well on the gridiron in order to date that homecoming queen or that cheerleader or the most popular girl in school. We lifted weights and did our greatest man of steel impersonations because we wanted to think strong even when we were not. The same thing we did to get our lovers we have to do to keep them. Being strong for them is more than enough of a reason to get checked regularly. Our lovers want the old us back as well. In the job market as well as the bedroom.

To make the ordeal easier to face do the logical thing. Look around for praticioners. Many of us can not handle another man touching us that way so look for the independent nurses and doctors who you can be comfortable with. So often we run to the doctor's office for the little blue pill but we forget to think about possible prostate irregularities being the culprit behind the erectile dysfunction.

Think about someone other than yourself when you stand in the mirror tomorrow still doing your old man of steel pose and ask yourself why your lover feels less desirable to you. Erectile dysfunction is destroying households across America and one remedy might be a regular check up to assist in getting that flame started in the bedroom once again. And if meds are needed after that at least you know you are healthy enough to part take in rigorous activities. Those glory years are not behind you.

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