Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Aromasin to Combat High Estrogen - A Man's Mortal Enemy

Estrogen is a steroid hormone that's primarily found in women. However, men also have a small amount of estrogen since it helps prevent heart disease, increases bone strength and aids men in the bedroom. However, the key term here is 'a small amount' because guys don't want high levels of this hormone.

The scariest estrogen side effect for a bodybuilder is no doubt gynecomastia (aka man boobs). Too much of this hormone causes female-pattern fat distribution in males, which, unfortunately, can take you from flat-chested to a B-cup rather quickly. Other emasculating problems that can arise due to high estrogen include decreased testicular size, an increased risk of disease, underdeveloped genitalia and lowered libido. As you can see, elevated estrogen doesn't exactly create the picture of an ideal man.

So all you need to do to avoid these nasty problems is stay active, act manly and keep a balanced diet, right? Actually, estrogen levels can increase through means that are beyond our control such as pollution. Soot is a major culprit here because it's been shown to contain estrogenic compounds. And these compounds are making their way into our air and rivers through smoke, vapor and direct disposal.

Pesticides are another source of estrogen as they run off into lakes and rivers after being sprayed on crops. You may also encounter a large number of chemical estrogens through plastic bottles, Styrofoam, shampoo, paints, carpet, food preservatives, artificial ingredients and textile fibers. Other artificial estrogens come from paper used for ATM/cash register receipts, plastic shower curtains, antibacterial soap and Teflon cookware.

With everything that estrogen is found in, it's no wonder why, on average, men of all ages today have less testosterone than guys did in the 1980's and 90's. Furthermore, a third of American men over the age of 20 are obese while 40% of guys in their 40's and 50's are obese. This has in turn led to far more cases of diabetes, strokes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, osteoporosis and depression.

Aromasin is a steroidal AI which keeps it from negatively affecting your lipids like other non-steroidal AIs. It is also not liver toxic, and can be ran for longer lengths of time without negative effect. This makes it a better option to run on cycle from a pure health standpoint. Aromasin will not hurt your gains on cycle like other AIs, but may actually help them. Another benefit on cycle is that steroidal AIs lower SHBG which increases the ratio of free to bound testosterone. What that means during your cycle is a very positive impact on your gains. This (in a sense) makes your anabolic androgenic steroids more bio-available.

The half-life of Aromasin is only about 9 hours, and clears quickly. However, because of how effective Exemestane is at eliminating aromatase enzymes (80-90% after administration), estrogen levels will remain low up to 72 hours after a single dose of 25mg. This is why Aromasin is very effectively dosed every other day. In one study, users were still 40% below baseline estrogen values 72 hours after their dose. This makes Aromasin very versatile for dosing and not require more frequency.

Now, the place where Aromasin really shines is in post cycle therapy (PCT). There is simply no other Aromatase inhibitor that can compare in terms of its effects on recovery. We already mentioned how Aromasin lowers SHBG, which increases free testosterone. What does that mean? In a study, Aromasin dosed at 25mg per day increased total testosterone by 60% in only 10 days. Even better than that, is the fact that free (useable) testosterone increased over 100% in the same time frame! In addition, Aromasin also increases IGF-1 levels. There is no estrogen rebound from Aromasin, and it is also a very powerful and effective treatment for gynecomastia. All of this makes Aromasin a no-brainer for post cycle therapy as well as on cycle estrogen control.

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