Thursday, September 9, 2010

Side Effects Of Prostate Cancer Removal

You've been told that it is necessary to remove prostate cancer. Then you should consider several facts which may help you to understand how much you need such operation. On the one side, if tumor was not spread beyond prostate gland then in 90% cases, with the help of operation, cancer may be cured. However, any operation is connected with the risk of blood loss, infection and complications after anesthesia. Operation on prostate gland has also another side effects.

Choosing The Method Of Surgical Intervention

The appropriate method of surgical intervention is chosen depending on size and localization of tumor. Discuss it with your doctor in order to take a right decision.

More often operation is possible if tumor did not spread beyond prostate gland. In this case, surgeon removes prostate and tissues around it.

1. Heroic prostatectomy.

In this operation prostate gland is removed along with seminal vesicles (gland contributing in sperm production). Operation is made up via cut at the lower part of abdomen or crotch between scrotum and anus. In both cases all necessary measures are taken in order to cause minimum harm to nerves responding for erection. This is possible just if tumor was not spread into nerve trunks. But even in such operation there is a possibility of impotence development.

2. Laparoscopic prostatectomy

This is the latest method of making operation where modern equipment is used. Instead of big cut on abdomen surgeon makes just little cuts via which in abdominal cavity is inserted optic device (laparoscope), video camera and tiny surgical tools. On the monitor screen the surgeon watches what is happening into abdominal cavity. In some cases the operation is made with robotic system. During laparoscopic prostatectomy sexual nerves are saved. This method is new and that is why such operation should undergo a specialist.

Prostate Cancer Removal Side Effects

Probably you are aware that main side effects of such operation is impotence and incontinence of urine. Knowing that, it is hard to agree for such operation. You should take into account all the factors. Let us see what are the side effects.

1. Impotence (Erectile dysfunction) is an inability to get erection. Two nerves responding for sexual arousal are located near prostate gland. During operation they may be removed or affected.

Postoperative impotence may be temporal because often after some time these nerves may be restored.

If one nerve left untouched, the erection may return. The process of restoring may take from four months to several years and erections may be weaker and shorter than they were before operation.

The younger patient is, the higher chances are to save former ability to erect. If patient had problems with erection before operation then after it those problems may appear.

If the operation resulted in impotence, penis just the same saves sensibility. Patient will orgasm but this orgasm will not end up with sperm emission. Today there are many medications for restoring erection.

2. Incontinence of urine.

Loss of control over bladder functions may cause:

  • unintentional urinary leak (high-stress passage of urine)

  • difficulties with the beginning of urination and urinary leak because of feeling of over-fullness of bladder

  • sudden urination desire
Incontinence of urine is a common disease but often this is a temporal postoperative condition which clears up in several weeks or months after treatment. However, in some males may occur high-stress incontinence and urinary leak during coughing, sneezing, laughing and physical activity.

Here may help different surgical methods or medication taking. Also are recommended Kegel Exercises to strengthen muscles of bladder.

It is very important to discuss with your doctor everything about prostate gland operation. Ask your doctor about all possible effects of such operation.

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