Thursday, September 9, 2010

Prostate Cancer Treatment Methods That Everyone Should Know

Choice of prostate cancer treatment is a quite difficult problem. Each of existing methods has its advantages and disadvantages. Patient usually has time to decide. In most cases prostate cancer slowly progresses that is why patient may think well over his decisions.

When you chose treatment method, you should take into consideration several factors: both medical and personal.

  1. Disease Stage. How quickly does tumors growth? Are there metastases? Results of analysis and examinations help to get full picture of the disease. The severity of cancer is estimated according to Gleason scale and depends on the ability of tumors to the rapid growth and spread. Also the stage of the disease is indicated and it depends on presence and the number of metastases.

  2. Patient's Age. Taking into consideration age may help you to estimate the risk and possible benefit of concrete treatment method. For patients older than 70 years often is chosen waiting game.

  3. General Health Condition. Depending on your general health condition doctor may say if you may use this treatment method or not. If you suffer from heart disease, diabetes or earlier you had undergone operation on prostate gland – all those factors are taken into account when you chose prostate cancer treatment methods.

  4. Side Effects. Prostate cancer treatment may have such side effects as impotence and urinary incontinence. Please, think how they may influence on your life.

  5. Effectiveness of Treatment. Ask your doctor about prognosis and about how those treatment methods are more effective in your case according to statistics. Find out if risks and side effects are not outweigh the potential benefit of treatment.

  6. Your Preferences. Many different factors may influence on prostate cancer treatment choice. Discuss this with your doctor or with person who has already undergone the same treatment and who is able to give you an adequate answer.
Any decision you want to take you should first discuss it with your family and friends who are not indifferent to your life.

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