Thursday, September 9, 2010

Where Prostate Gland Is Located?

Prostate (Prostate Gland) is male internal generative organ which produces a secretion necessary for sperm protection.

Shape and size of prostate are different in men, and it may change with the increase of years or under influence of particular factors (for example, inflammatory process in prostate). However, even insignificant changes may lead not just to local but also to general disorders.

Major prostate functions:
  • seminal fluids production
  • participating in sperm ejection during intercourse
  • erection
  • participating in urine retention
Prostate is located below bladder and it comprises starting areas of urethra, in front of rectum and beyond pubic bones. Such location makes prostate difficult to achieve, so the only way to feel back side of prostate is digital rectal examination.
[click on the image below to see its full size]

Prostate gland has three parts: middle, left back and right back sides. It is made of smooth muscular and glandular tissues. It is surrounded by fibrous capsule which has borders made from connective tissue. Alveolar-tubular glands are joined into acini that represent a network of excretory ducts which are opened on the back side of urethra. There are left and right sperm ejaculatory ducts that run through thickness of all prostate gland.

Upper and lower arteries supply prostate gland with blood. However, low blood flow results not just in development of congestivus changes and also in onset of infection. The most common prostate disease among men of reproductive age is prostatitis. In men over age 50 most common disease is adenoma and prostate cancer.

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