Monday, March 4, 2013

Homosexuals Have Poorer Health Than Heterosexuals

People straight, consisting in a heterosexual marriage, characterized by better health and fewer sick compared with the same-sex couples, according to a new study, a team of scientists from Michigan, USA.

In a series of statistical analyses of the last time doctors were able to prove that married people have traditionally had the best state of the cardiovascular system, immune system better and less prone to inflammation, compared to unmarried people. However, the new analysis argues that the benefits of the marriage can only get a pair of traditional orientation.

Large-scale study was conducted with the participation of more than 700 thousand people participated in the National Health Interview survey between 1997 and 2009. Approximately 3330 people identified themselves as "gay, married". Marriage could be officially registered, and could be a civilian, as today in the U.S. are allowed same-sex unions are not everywhere.

Scientists have formed a group of the same number of people that are similar in terms of income, education, social status and position in society. After that, doctors compared the data for health representatives of these two groups.

The results were quite surprising. Say that representatives of gay marriage are sick more often - is to say nothing. In addition to increasing the chances getting HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases, which are among gay men are usually elevated in every 3 to 4, compared with the average rates, the researchers also found a growing risk for a variety of non-communicable diseases.

In particular, doctors have revealed the risk of off-scale (110% more than in the intervention group) in diseases of the cardiovascular system, the growth of inflammatory markers in the blood, and high probability of sudden death.

Interestingly, the non-traditional health representatives of unions was even weaker than the health of unmarried middle-aged people. Experts have tried to explain this by the fact that same-sex marriage today is still not approved and even censured in society, resulting in a homosexual always felt by some pressure from the public and under stress. Likely also that the observed phenomenon is influenced by many factors, which are not yet fully understood.

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