Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Anabolic Steroids and Fertility

There are a number of side effects users will experience when taking these substances. Some are short term and others may have long term side effects. Unfortunately any side effects will in most cases also effect the male fertility health. Some of these side effects can include:

Short term effects

    Puffiness and swelling in the face and neck due to increased water retention.
    Development of breast tissue in males.
    Increased risk of injury to muscles and joints.
    Increase in muscle mass.
    Heightened aggression, sleeping disorders, anxiety and irritability.
    Stunted growth if taken during adolescent growth spurts due to skeletal maturation and accelerated puberty changes.

Long term effects

    Growth of breasts due to the high level of testosterone some of which the body converts to oestrogen.
    Increased erectile dysfunction and shrinking testicles.
    Heart and liver disease - some steroids are toxic to the liver.
     Kidney disease due to the increase in toxins to be broken down.
    Aggressive behaviour and depression.
    Jaundice from high levels of steroids - affects liver function.
    Increased blood pressure.
    Prostate enlargement.

Anabolic Steroids and male infertility are often linked due to the effects on the body as mentioned here.  Any increased toxins in the body have the potential to affect the sperm being produced.

A semen analysis will give a good indication of the health of the sperm if a male has used steroids previously and is now having difficulty with infertility. A low sperm count will also be detected by going for a semen analysis.

Fortunately medical technology and advancement in procedures such as sperm washing as well as ICSI - Intra-Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection could assist men whose fertility may have been affected by the usage of Steroids.

Your doctor will be able to advise you on using an Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) procedure in the event of being diagnosed with infertility due to this usage.

Natural remedies for infertility

In order to get rid of the toxins and increase your health status and hormonal balance, changing your infertility diet and considering the alkaline diet may assist in correcting your sperm problems.

Many of the side effects mentioned can be corrected by immediately stopping the usage of these substances, as well as considering lifestyle changes and partaking in moderate exercise such as walking and swimming or yoga.

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