Thursday, September 9, 2010

Prostate Cancer Treatment Methods. Part One.


Today there are many methods of prostate cancer treatments. The choice depends on several factors: general health condition, age of the patient and stage when the growth was detected.

Use your time to learn information about the existing methods of treatment. Do not take hasty decisions. Most popular methods of treatments are operation, radiation and hormonal therapy. Sometimes the most useful thing is waiting game.

Waiting game

In many cases prostate cancer is progressing very slow that is why patients over 70 years sometimes do not need treatment. In this case doctor suggests to wait little and to continue monitoring. If during regular examination it was detected that tumors are growing more quickly than doctor will recommend you intense therapy.


The aim of such operation is removal of cancerous growths. Heroic prostatectomy means removal of the whole prostate gland with circumflex tissues. This operation is possible just if the growth did not spread beyond the prostate gland. Access to the prostate is provided via cut underbelly. After operation a katheter is placed in patient's urethra to draw urine off. It should be removed in several weeks and after that may appear problems with incontinence of urine. In some cases this side effect do pass off alone, but sometimes there is a need of medication treatment or physiotherapeutic procedure. During operation may be affected nerves responding for erection. As a result may appear problems with erection or even impotence. Difficulties may be temporal or permanent. Discuss those questions with your doctor. There are gentle methods of surgical treatment of prostate cancer lowering risk of impotence.

Prostate transurethral resection is another kind of operation used in cases when it is impossible to make heroic prostatectomy. Via urethra is inserted a devise with help of which a particular area of prostate gland is burned. There is no need in a cut, urinary katheter is placed in urethra just for several days as long as flood stops. Impotence and incontinence of urine after such operation do appear quite rarely. The principal defect of this operation is that the greatest part of affected with cancer prostate is not removed, so here we cannot talk about full recovery.

Cryogenic Surgery

Cryogenic surgery is a quite new method of prostate cancer treatment. Very low temperatures in bars inserted in prostate destroy cancer cells.

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