Thursday, September 9, 2010

Prostate Cancer Treatment. Part Two

X-ray therapy

There are two types of X-ray therapies for prostate cancer treatment:

  1. outer radiation similar to profondometer is used. Sessions are made every day and each session takes several minutes. Course of treatment takes 6-7 weeks. Usage of computerized tomography helps to define tumor localization to radiumize tumor more aimingly.

  2. infernal irradiation is used. The source of irradiation is placed directly into prostate gland and it acts during several months, after which it inactivates by itself.

X-ray therapy has side effects. Most patients complain on tiredness, indigestion (diarrhea, nausea), strangury, prolonged erection.


Size of tumors in prostate gland depend on the amount of testosterone in blood of a man. Testosterone level lowering helps in tumor decrease and in slowing of its growth. To lower testosterone level also may help testes removal (orchectomy), because exactly in testes is produced a significant amount of testosterone. There is an alternative to this method - you may just take hormonal agents.

Hormonotherapy slows prostate cancer progression, but is not treating it. Hormonotherapy has such side effects as infertility, decreased interest, flushes, impotence and osteoporosis.


Treatment with medications that do kill cancerous cells in whole body is used only in case when tumor has spread in other organs. The main purpose of this treatment is decease of pain and lowering of tumor growths. According to latest researches, Taxotere (Docetaxel) medication increases life time in ill with prostate cancer with metastasis in other organs.

After-effect of prostate cancer treatments

On completing of prostate cancer treatment, patients remain under permanent control of the doctor. To detect possible recurrence of the disease it is recommended to make regular examinations including PSA-test. After detection of recurrent cancer of prostate gland, treatment should be chosen by taking into account methods which were used for the first time.

Latest achievements in the prostate cancer study

1) HPC1 gene

The discovery of this gene helps to believe that in the nearest future may appear new data about genetic mechanisms that do lead to prostate cancer. Probably, may be developed tests that would help to detect excessive predisposition to this illness, and this may help to examine men from risk groups in early age.

2) Angiogenesis

At the present day new medications are being tested which, according to expectations, will localize tumor by means of decline of blood supply. Also is performed Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF).

3) Prostate Cancer Vaccines

Several kinds of vaccines improving immunity to prostate cancer are tested.

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