Friday, May 20, 2011

Prostatitis Is Most Common Urological Disease Among Men

There are many factors leading to prostatitis development (for example, sedentary work) in our life.

What is prostatitis? Who gets diseased with it?
Prostatitis is inflammation of prostate gland. There are two causes of prostatitis:
- infectious nature
- non-infectious nature
Infection in prostate itself not causes all disease manifestations. Prostate development needs predisposing causes.

Forms and symptoms of prostatitis
Prostatitis may develop suddenly as an acute inflammatory disease with all corresponding symptoms. In acute prostatitis male experiences next symptoms: fever, temperature up to 38 – 39 C, acute pains in crotch, groin, anus area, beyond pubis,  painful urination. However, more often prostatitis develops in chronic form when it not shows itself. In this case prostatitis symptoms mentioned above are absent and only body temperature may be little raised up to 37 C.

What happens if you do not get treatment?
Acute prostatitis if not treated may transform into chronic form. Both acute and chronic forms may cause such complications as prostate gland apostasis, cystitis, pyelonephritis, vesicles and adenoma.  Finally, prostatitis may cause impotency, or even infertility which would be treated hardly.

Prostatitis treatment
Prostatitis treatment constitues a big problem for doctors around the world because this disease is complicated enough to treat especially chronic prostatitis. However, this does not mean that there is no help for the sufferer.

Not in all cases prostatitis is cured but it is possible to remove prostatitis symptoms and trigger steady lasting remission. The duration of this period depends on the patient.  If he follows doctor's recommendations, he gets rid of all prostatitis symptoms forever.

So how prostatitis is treated? Prostatitis treatment should be complex. It includes antibacterial therapy, prostate gland massage, physiotherapy, immune therapy, life style change.  Only this complex treatment leads to desired effects.

Prostatitis preventive measures
Prostate gland inflammation is easier to prevent than to treat. Bring in your life changes useful for prostatitis prevention and this will save you from this disease:
- try not to stay for a long time on freeze
- do not get seated on cold stones
- if you have sedentary work you must stand up each hour and limber up
- get rid of coprostasia
- have regular sex
- treat your diseases
- have regular meals
- make exercises

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