Friday, June 17, 2011

Prostatitis: Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention

Prostatitis Tests
In prostatitis is not performed digital rectal examination, in acute prostatitis patient suffers from pain and such examination impossible to be performed, in chronic prostatitis changes may be presented or may be not.

As a rule, are performed special tests called Meares and Stamey: examination of primary, secondary and final portion of urine. Additionally, the next tests may be performed: spermogram, urethra smear, Transrectal ultrasound investigation of prostate and other examinations.

Prostatitis Treatment
There are many different prostatitis methods of treatment, which vary from taking natural remedies to physiotherapeutic procedures and surgery. In bacterial prostatitis are prescribed antibiotics. Also are used common anti-inflammatory medications, immune system correctors, systematic enzymotherapy, multivitamins, mineral complexes, pollen, royal jelly and other.

Various physiotherapeutic methods are used: electrical stimulation, laser treatment, magnetotherapy, transrectal ultrasonic therapy, phonophoresis, vacuum urethral prostate massage, rectal prostate pneumomassage, radiofrequency hyperthermia.

Chronic asymptomic prostatitis usually not requires treatment.

Prostatitis Prevention
- avoid hypothermia, physical inactivity, overflow of the bladder;
- maintain sexual activity, avoid hyper sexual activity and interrupted sexual relationship;
- avoid excessive use of alcohol, spicey and salty food which may cause defecation disorder, venose plethora pelvis;
- prevent coprostasia;
- urinate at time;
- practice safe sex;
- not overstrain spine bone;

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